Our Moving Services

Residential Moving Services
Residential Moving Services

Residential Moving Services

  • Here at Beach Bod Moving, we specialize in residential moving services. Whether you are moving from a three-bedroom home or an apartment with three flights of stairs, our movers will ensure your possessions are protected and properly transported. Several flights of stairs? Heavy furniture? Long distances? We offer fit, friendly, personable movers that will work to provide you with a moving service like none you have seen before. Our company prides itself in the quality of service and our teams. Moving into a new home can be stressful. Beach Bod Moving goes the extra mile to guarantee a perfect moving experience. Contact us today to receive a free estimate! 904-760-7284

Packing Services
Packing Services

Packing Supplies

  • Beach Bod Moving provides the opportunity for a completely hands-free moving experience. Many people prefer to pack up their homes themselves, but we can alleviate that stress! We take extreme care in handling your valuables. Our team of professionals will ensure your belongings are organized and protected. Feel free to ask about our pricing for boxes, packing paper, tape, and other essential moving supplies. Let us help you prepare for moving day!

Commercial Moving Services

  • Are you looking to move to or from the Jacksonville area and into your new office or workspace? At Beach Bod Moving, we provide a hard-working and dedicated team of professionals who ensure your possessions make it to your new location free of dings or scratches.

Moving to or from Jacksonville?